Once there was a king who bought a piglet. He raised this piglet, fed him, bathed him, took care of him, treated him like his most-prized pet. He loved the pig so much that he decided he could not sleep well without the pig beside him. Unfortunately, the pig squirmed in his master quarters as it was not accustomed to soft covers and pillows. In sad despair, the king bought back the pig to its pen.
That night, he couldn't sleep. So the king went back to the pig pen, and slept in the mud with the pig. That was one of the nicest and calmest sleep he ever had. The next day, since the king was so happy that he was able to be with his loved pig, he also felt that he couldn't last a day without the pig. And with his immense love, he talked to the pig. He tried to take all of his clothes, went inside the pig pen, played with the pig as if he were a pig, too. If that wasn't enough, he tried to oink like the pig, tried to eat like a pig, and just be there with the pig.
The kingsmen and the townsfolk laughed and ridiculed at the king and said, "What kind of a king are you, trying to be like a pig? You are crazy! You are not worthy to be our king!"
And the king said, "I don't care what others will say. I love this pig so much that I will dethrone myself and be a pig myself--- if that's what it takes!"
If you are witnessing this scenario, how would you react? How do you treat the king? You would say, "He is CRAZY!!!"

Well, such is the immense love that God has for us mankind. He is the king, the king of all kings. He had everything. And because He so loved the world, He chose to be like us men (the pigs in this story) just to be be with us. Crazy? We are just so blessed. And we wonder, who are we that the greatest of all would choose to be with us? And yet, we ridicule Him, throw stones at Him, and even blame Him for our misfortunes-- when the only thing He did was to love us so much.
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